The cycle tray option ejects the current disk. The disk becomes associated with that number. When this option is selected, the virtual tray is opened, the disk is inserted, and the virtual tray is closed again. To swap disks, select Quick Menu -> Disk Control -> Append to insert a new disk in drive df0. To enable sound fx in IK+, use model type A500 and turn off compatible mode in Quick Menu-> Options.

These games don’t work on standalone UAE4all2. PUAE can play IK+ with sound FX on Nintendo Switch. Add Switch version of the core (rsn8887).Change defaults to more sensible values (sonninnos).Fix quickmenu->disk control options for swapping disks on the fly (rsn8887).Allow disabling the use of system/WHDLoad.hdf via a new core option (rsn8887).hdf hard drive file directly via load content (rsn8887) Add many core options, such as a cycle exact option (sonninnos and rsn8887).Allow starting the emulated Amiga without content (sonninnos).Combining mouse speed indicator and other status bar indicators (sonninnos).Implement hotkeys for status bar and virtual keyboard that can be remapped instead of using hardcoded buttons (sonninnos).Implement new core options with some small print explanations (sonninnos).PUAE Amiga core improvements PUAE Amiga Core IK+ The PlayStation 1 Shaders make the games look unbelievable.Sonninnos and rsn8887 made a lot of improvements recently to two home computer Libretro cores. I really Like Lakka and Would like to totally take advantage and utilize it's to the fullest potential. I DL all the box art but I have to go into the updater to refresh it back onto my system.
I also don't know how to set up SSH or save my content after I scan my directories to my actual HDD so I have all of my content on an external HDD. Its is really had to find straight forward basic advice and help for Lakka. I have tried Shift F2 or alt shift T or whatever it says in there confusing circuital vague how to documentation. "running Linux 4.1, 1TB HDD, 16GB RAM HDMI out" But there isn'r an actual Linux like platform it just boot directly into Retroarch. I haven't been able to get the 5200 Core working, MSX, Colecovision, DOS/ dont understand how to actually Load a game through DOS, I can't figure out how to access the Terminal command I am not quite sure how to load from the actual C= "Ready" screen. I could never actually load a game through Vice like open core open content or "load'$" ,8,1".